In Hindu mythology, Kumbha means Kalash, a pot that emerged from the milky ocean after the Samudra Manthan process, narrated in the Vishnu Purana. It represents abundant knowledge, wisdom, and happiness. The Desi Kumbha Tussar silk saree collection is purely handwoven by supremely talented weavers from various remote villages of Odisha, holding on to the true meaning of Kumbha. The Classic Kumbha temple work on the borders compliments the elegant look of these beautifully handwoven Tussar silk sarees. The complex yet aesthetic motif work on the pallu represents the cultural traditions of Odisha. Perfect for any occasion, these sarees are among one of our popular ones for their striking features. 

DESI KUMBHA Tussar/Cotton Handwoven Saree - Ivory pink Border
Regular price Rs. 23,990.00